

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Yes indeed, sketchbook-o-rama.... no I haven't been on holiday, just having some fun with good old National Geographic. I'm going to start doing much more of this on my blog (ie sketchbook work, photos, work in progress, stuff I've found interesting and the like), as my new website is much easier to upload work to (and talk nonsense on) than it was before and it would be much nicer if the two worked together and had a slightly different slant. Having said that, there's some fresh illustration almost ready to put up too.... I've also just realised I haven't bored you with what music I've been enjoying lately for a while... Penta, Slayer, Laura Marling and John Chibadura mainly. Top banana!

Also, those lovely chaps over at the excellent website Lost At E Minor just asked me to do some writing for them, about all dem cultural tings I been digging of late.... pop over there and have a look - it's a great source of inspiration, weird stuff and all kinds of art and culture that might otherwise completely pass you by.

And whilst on the subject, I've just discovered Andy Smith's lovely blog... if you like hand-rendered type, you'll love it there.

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