I do like this time of year. Aside from my birthday there's been a month of glorious rugby (especially good this year - shock results a-go-go and every game I've seen has been brilliantly entertaining, England - Australia lingering particularly nicely in the memory), I've ice-skated in front of the Pavilion, and there's now a proper covering of snow everywhere. Lovely. It's also the time of Brighton's Christmas Open Houses, and much of my time has been taken up preparing for the New England House Open Studios, which I'm very happy to have been invited to join again this year. A little different to the houses, it's just open for two weekdays (9th &10th December) but there is much much more to be seen (and bought!). A huge amount of artists and makers, largely selling old stock, seconds and other bargains at supercheap bargainsome prices, it's probably the best place around to get interesting and unique christmas presents without breaking the bank. Check the flyer above (designed by my incredibly talented ceramicist friend Rowena Gilbert) for more info, or this link.
Aside from that most of my time has been spent preparing my EP, now a three-tracker and to be released through Wonkay some time this month.... watch this space for an official release date and links for downloading. I've also started doing some work for Goodone, a rather excellent ethical fashion label. Very nice to be doing some fashion illustration for a change as I've always fancied doing some, and hopefully this'll be an ongoing venture.
And speaking of fashion illustration, I've just been up to the design museum to see their excellent exhibitions: Drawing Fashion and Plain Space by the architect John Pawson. Both were very nicely presented, with lots to see and a good amount of information to read - never too much but plenty to digest. I've always been a big fan of John Pawson so it was great to see a fine range of excellent photos, samples of building materials and exquisite architectural models, alongside a massive table laid out with inspirations, notebooks and the like and next to it a 'bio wall' that was a (predominantly photographic) timeline of his life and his work. Drawing Fashion was exactly what the title suggests - 100 years of fashion drawing with over 150 images and the odd video. I was somewhat disappointed not to see the modern master of the artform, David Downton in there (the show favoured showing a a broad range of work from select individuals as opposed to a few works from a broad range of artists), but my discovery of Francois Berthoud made up for this. Well worth a visit.
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