

Monday, 3 October 2011

Bonjourno.... few things to waffle on about so I shall try and keep it brief... First off, here are some long-overdue photos of the murals I made for DC Storm's lovely new offices.

Having also done some great fun work (mainly sign-writing) at various festivals over the summer, I've just returned from a lovely spell working from my newly mobile studio in rural Devon. Had a very productive, and also very relaxing time down there, and even got to see some America's Cup sailing action from the sound at Plymouth. Man, those boats are fast! I also went to a great event run by Encounters Arts in Totnes called Artists' Lab - a workshop of sorts where a very varied and interesting cross-section of practitioners met for a day to share and develop ideas and experiment in a very free, fluid and open manner - hugely beneficial and a real pleasure to take part in.

In between all of that I've been busily redeveloping my website, and have just launched a completely new and fully updated site. I'm dead chuffed with it, so do please have a wee look: www.edtucker.biz.

I also want to mention a really cracking exhibition I went to see at the University of Brighton Gallery before I went away, thanks to a tip from the ever-intrepid Fred Pipes on the Brighton Illustrators Group website. It was a fantastic and extensive show of maps and murals (and also some sketchbooks and drawings and so on) by MacDonald Gill (1884-1947), whose work I became familiar with at the Magnificent Maps exhibition (written about in a previous post). He had a highly distinctive style, a great eye for detail and a really nice, cheeky sense of humour which you don't often see in much work form this period. The man had many talents and was highly prolific, producing a lot of maps for London's tube and bus networks and many other institutions, as well as posters, murals, book jackets, architecture and even gravestones for servicemen! Gosh!